Thursday, September 24, 2009

Foods To Increase Your Sex Drive

A nice bottle of wine, flowers, candlelight dinner and some sweets is a great way to set the mood for a wonderful evening with someone special. But with careful thought what you serve for dinner can make the night a little bit more special. There is a possibility that certain foods increase your sex drive and some that may actually hurt it.

While no specific food has been scientifically proven to be a magical aphrodisiac; there are some foods that can increase the factors that affect your sex drive. Your sex drive is also called libido and it is controlled by hormone levels in the body, especially the testosterone levels. Zinc and vitamin B are important in maintaining a proper testosterone levels.

Here are some foods to increase your sex drive and why.

- Maca has been hailed as the natural Viagra. Mica is a radish-like root that has been used for thousands of years by the indigenous people of Peru. Only recently has it been introduced to the Western world. It has been shown to increase sperm count and testosterone in men. Mica is believed to increase sex drive for both men and women and fertility in women.

- Watermelon is also another Viagra type food. The nutrient citrulline that is found in watermelon has the ability to relax blood vessels and improve blood flow. This is what the active ingredient in Viagra does. While this is good for improving your sex drive, it is also good for your cardiovascular and immune systems. Unfortunately, most of the citrulline in watermelon is in the inedible rind.

- Pumpkin seeds are high in zinc. As mentioned earlier, zinc is important in maintaining testosterone levels. Another plus is pumpkin seeds can help in protecting against prostate cancer.

- Chocolate is possibly the most popular food to give to your sweetheart; possibly rightly so. Chocolate affects your brain just as sex does. It actually releases the hormone that is released during sex. Research has that women that eat chocolate often have a higher sex drive. Adding strawberries to the chocolate not only makes the treat sweeter, but it also can increase your sex drive. Strawberries have vitamin C in them and vitamin C improves your libido.

- Asparagus is loaded with vitamin E, which is another vitamin that improves the production of sex hormones. Eat asparagus for three days straight and see what happens.

- Bananas are full of good stuff for you including some that will increase your sex hormone levels. Rich in potassium and vitamin B, bananas not only increases your overall energy levels; it also increases your libido.

- Avocados are similar to bananas. It increases your overall energy levels and is a great source for potassium. Potassium is important in the regulation of women's thyroid gland. More importantly, avocados have vitamin B6 which is another vitamin that increases male hormone production.

There are some foods that have long been thought to a good way to increase your sex drive that actually may hinder it instead. Alcohol is a perfect example. A glass or two of wine can definitely help set the mood, but too much and the evening could be less than memorable.

Oysters have a long reputation as a food that increases your sex drive. Oysters do contain zinc, but you would have to eat around 50 oysters at one time to see any effects.

Hot peppers is a food that does heat you up and actually gives you some of the same sensations as you get during sex; sweating and increase heart rate are just two. Unfortunately hot peppers heat you up, but does nothing to heat up your sex life.

The average adult has sex about twice a week. Usually around middle age, a person's sex drive starts to decline. The list foods above are not only healthy for you, but they can also help you maintain your sex life. With foods such as these it is possible to increase your sex drive.


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