Thursday, September 10, 2009

Vitamins for a healthy sex life

Having a diet high in vitamins is vital for a happy, healthy sex life. Whether you are a college student living off Top Ramen and boxed macaroni and cheese, a busy working executive with no time to cook, or someone who isn’t absorbing their vitamins properly due to health reasons, you may benefit from including more variety in your diet. If looking for a dietary supplement that will increase your sexual health, look for the below vitamins and amino acids in a pill in your health food store.

Chromium: needed for male sexual function. Found in organ meats, mushrooms, Brewer's yeast, brown rice, cheese, meat, and wheat germ.

EFA (linoleic acid and linolenic acid): promotes a healthy sex drive in women. EFA can be found in soybeans, safflower, sunflower, corn oil, wheat germ, sesame seeds, flax, canola, pumpkin, almonds, walnuts and tuna.

L-arginine: an amino acid which increases the nitric oxide in the blood vessel walls to maintain an erection. Purchase as a supplement in a health food store.

Pantothenic Acid: is used by the body for hormone production in men and women. Naturally occurs in organ meats, Brewer's yeast, egg yolk, whole grain cereal, chicken, bran and nuts.

Protein: contains tyrosine, an amino acid used by the body to make dopamine, which functions in creating libido. Found in meat, eggs, dairy, tofu, nuts and beans.

Vitamin A: used by the body for healthy mucous membranes, reproduction and sexual function. Higher quantities are found in sweet potatoes, carrots, followed by mangoes, spinach, papaya, red bell pepper, apricots, cantaloupe and milk.

Vitamin B-3 Niacin: synthesizes sex hormones and aides circulation. Both chicken and fish are high in B-3.

B-6: balances estrogen and progesterone and can help restore vaginal dryness, loss of libido and treat PMS. Excellent sources of this vitamin includes red meat, fish, chicken, egg yolk, wheat germ, bananas, prunes, avocados, soybeans, liver and walnuts

Vitamin C: promotes circulation, relaxation and sexual function. For sources of foods high in Vitamin C, try guava, red bell peppers, papayas, oranges and other citrus fruit, broccoli, berries, green bell pepper, cantaloupe, tomatoes and mangoes.

Vitamin E: needed for sexual function in men and women. Found in all nut and seed oils, apples, sweet potatoes, turnips, spinach, avocados, tomatoes, corn oil, eggs, mangoes, wheat germ and enriched pasta.

Vitamin P bioflavonoid: aids in circulation and capillary functions. Try eating RAW: citrus fruits, apricots, cherries, cantaloupe, papaya and other “red” fruits.

Zinc: needed for male hormone stimulation. Casanova is known for his daily meal of 80 oysters which happens to be high in zinc and essential to a male sex drive. Meats, shellfish, dairy products, beans and wheat germ are also high in zinc.

So what are you waiting for, boost that sex life!


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